Frequently Asked Questions

About KVB (Kultur.Voice.Business)

What is KVB?

KVB is an Indonesia, Southeast Asia communications company, having purpose to help clients create their voices for sustainable growth, through an integrated approach and products.

What does KVB stand for?

KVB is an abbreviation of Kultur.Voice.Business, which are three essential keys in building an economy.

What is voice for sustainable growth?

Voice for clients’ sustainable growth is our purpose. We help companies grow sustainably, as we help clients communicate their products and corporate information such as growth, community and ESG impact.

What does KVB bring to the table? What is KVB impact to clients?

KVB builds companies reputation based on financial goal, as the basis of sustainable growth. KVB communications strategy and execution are for:

  • Listed corporations require communications to manage their reputation among the stakeholders.
  • Communications for scale up companies: Merger, Acquisition, IPO.
  • Early-stage communications for startups who require funding.
  • Lifestyle and digital content for revenue.
How does KVB create voice for clients’ sustainable growth?

KVB operates under B-to-B model, with KVB consultant team provides services on Corporate & Financial Communications, Lifestyle, Digital Content & Solutions.
KVB also has Sustainability Program; Voice of Startups; that its financial communications help companies grow from early stage and its collaborative program drives entrepreneurship.

Could you please explain about the three products of KVB: Corporate & Financial Communications, Lifestyle and Digital Content & Solutions?

Our products reflect our mission in helping create voices for business ecosystem growth and our culture: adaptive. Our products are what business needs in the constant change, that:

  • Corporate & Financial Communications: build companies’ perception reaching out the targeted audience: shareholders, investors, analysts and regulators.
  • Lifestyle: Create inspiring lifestyle by building influential brands, for revenue.
  • Digital Content and Solutions: share clients voice in digital channels, as most stakeholders use social media.
What type of clients have benefited from KVB's presence?

KVB benefits business ecosystem, which are:

  • Indonesia and global companies, companies listed at the stock exchanges, companies' plans to execute its growth plan through merger, acquisition, and IPO, also venture capital firms and investment companies, plus promote their services or products.
  • As driving entrepreneurship is essential for business ecosystem, KVB also has Voice for Startups that focuses on working with startups to scale up and exit via acquisition, merger, IPO.
  • KVB is also active at business organization and mentorship about corporate and financial communications.
Who are the alliances of KVB?

KVB is an independent communications company and member of leading business associations: Indonesia Chamber of Commerce (Kamar Dagang dan Industri Indonesia / KADIN), Indonesia Venture Capital Association for Startups Indonesia (Asosiasi Modal Ventura untuk Startups Indonesia / Amvesindo) and Indonesia Public Relations Companies Association (Asosiasi Perusahaan Public Relations Indonesia / APPRI). KVB independently collaborates with agencies in Indonesia and around the world to serve clients.

What sector does KVB belong to?

KVB is part of the communications industry in the creative sector.

What makes KVB different from others?

We are differentiated by our integrated approach and products that support clients' growth and financial goals.

What sectors and practices become KVB strength?

We are sector agnostic; however, we work mostly with financial companies, investment companies, manufacturing, technology, agriculture and lifestyle. We work with clients on corporate and financial communications, lifestyle communications and digital content including advocacy and visual production. All is based on an integrated mindset, strategy and skills of KVB team.

Why do I have to hire KVB?

There is a saying that we work with people we trust and have things in common. In addition to our integrated products, we are grateful to have received trust from clients working with us on long term of engagement, having similar purposeful and loving the planet mindset, also similar manners in collaboration, strategic, creative when executing the process and getting the results.

How does KVB structure the price?

We have a rate card, that clients will have the work completed according to the agreed scope of work and under a specific timeline. We also have a time-based fee that is more flexible as scope of work can be added as progress.

What does KVB do for the community?

Since KVB was founded in November 2011, KVB has been mentoring startups as its social impact pro-bono program, under our Voice of Startups. KVB team shares with founders and entrepreneurs, about communications and its role in business growth strategy and financial growth. KVB also invites companies to collaborate in driving entrepreneurship under Voice of Startups.

Who is behind KVB?

KVB is founded in November 2011 by Dian Noeh, the founder and CEO, who has been in the communications industry since 1998. Before being an entrepreneur, Dian was a professional, working in global companies (Ogilvy and Weber Shandwick), UBS Financial dan leading fine watches company Time International. Dian is active at Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia (APINDO / Indonesia Employer Association) as Special Communications Staff to the Chairman Office and Head of Media at Asosiasi Modal Ventura untuk Startups Indonesia (Indonesia Venture Capital Association for Startups / Amvesindo). The other key person is Daniel Surya, having the role of Commissary. Daniel is a branding, tech entrepreneur and a futurist.

Whom to contact for queries about KVB and if we would like to know more about how KVB can help my business?

If you have any questions about KVB or would like to know more about how we can help your business, you can email, and our team will respond accordingly.
